Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Jackson Springs Park Lab

In this lab we walked around Jackson Springs Park and examined the rocks along its creek bed going through the middle of the park. We discussed the history of the park and its development form the much larger Baconsfield Park to the smaller Jackson Springs Park that it is today. We also discussed how the neighborhoods in the surrounding areas developed according to the social class of the people and their needs or wants. Some neighborhoods developed with lots of land and large houses for the wealthy. Some developed cheaper houses for the working class, and some developed for the middle class with children.
After talking about the history we got hammers and started to examine the geology of the area. We looked at the rich soil around the edge of the stream and we studied rocks. We found lots of sandstone, quartz, and even some gneiss along the bank. We sifted the soil and found that it was very silty in some areas and also contained a lot of clay in others.

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